Fame In Alameda
What? When? Where?
---Meet Poets ------ Free Events - - -- all Welcome----
(1) Jan: Jack London's Birthday Reading ( in connection with month long exhibit) at Alameda Historical
Museum. (2) SITE WRITE 2012 see site write page
(3) Mid-Summer: Joint multi-lingual Reading with Poets of the Vineyard – in Santa Rosa. Alameda Island
Poets usually has one or two car ridesharing opportunities for poets to attend. (4) Date To Be Announced: Reading
at Art-In-The-Park in Alameda's Jackson Park (5 ) Webster Street Jam Festival ALAMEDA POETS WILL NOT HOLD MONTHLY
Note, the Alameda Island Poets montly reading series continues
Next Reading Featured Reader:
Alameda Island Poets is honored to present Avotjca
and fellow musician, Val Serrant. Avotcja
is a poet/playwright/multi-percussionist/photographer/teacher who has been published in English and Spanish in the USA, Mexico
and Europe. She has been published in more anthologies than she can remember. Avotcja has opened for Betty
Carter in New York City, has played with Rahsaan Roland Kirk, Bobi and Luis Cespedes, John Handy, Sonida Afro Latina, Dimensions
Dance Theater, Nikki Giovanni, Terry Garthwaite, Piri Thomas, Janice Mirikitani, Diane Di Prima, and Michael Franti just to
name a few. She is a Bay Area icon with her band Acotcja and Modupue. Most recently she opened the San Jose Jazz Festival's
Latin Stage to standing ovations. Avotcja is a popular Bay Area radio host with shows airing on KPFA and KPOO in SF.
She continues to teach creative writing, storytelling and
drama in the schools, is a member of PEN Oakland, Poets in the Schools and is an ASCAP recording artist.
She will be accompanied by talented percussionist and member
of her band, Modupue, Val Serrant.
Reading series is coordinated by Nanette Bradley Deetz. FMI
call (510) 522-2226.
Open Mic follows until 9:00pm
Books Inc is located at 1344 Park St., Alameda, 94501.Phone#
(510) 522-2226; or (510) 995-8698.
Parking is available at the public lot on Oak St. near the
intersection of Oak St. and Central St. Also a public lot (free after 6pm) located directly across from the Alameda Theater.
Street parking is also available.
Please spread the word to your friends of poetry, beauty, creativity and intuitive light and love!
Poets are invited to read at Cathy Dana's reading series in the Home of Truth, invitations
are also extended to read twice monthly at the Frank Bette Center for the Arts
Poets are invited to read weekly
(Monday nights) La Priya India Restaurant, Berkeley (51 bus line) coordinated by local poets.
Poets are invited to monthly programs Sept-June, Ina Coolbrith Circle, Orinda, President: Richard Angilly Poets
re invited to read monthly at Bay Area Poets Coalition readings 1st Sat 3-5 PM, Strawberry Lodge Senior Center
(all ages welcome) Berkeley Poets are invited to read bi-monthly at Rebecca's Books, Oakland by Ashby BART, coordinated by
Above events are free, open to all. Share your work; hear what other poets have to say, all over the San Francisco Bay
@ http://www.fameinalamed.com. Contact AM Fonda, webmaster, at: seawolf425@yanoo.com
On behalf of ALAMEDA ISLAND POETS, heartfelt thanks to all who have attended readings, been featured
readers, read at monthly Open Readings and other events, who helped as Officers in the Alameda Island Poets Chapter,
taking special responsibilities to be there to keep events going. THESE INCLUDE; Susan Coons, Ken Peterson, Peter
Sandholdt, Beverly Alexander, Angela Reis and Ken Peterson who have transported poets, their art work and been helpful and
supportive in ways more than possible to express. AM Fonda updates our online presence, Ken Peterson, Sarahanne
Lum, Garrett Murphy, for reading on Jack London's Birthday at his birthplace in San Francisco, Natica Angilly
and Artists Embassy International and Judy Cheung of Poets of the Vineyard for co-sponsoring events. It has been a wonderful,
fantastic 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Thanks again to all For Poetry Always..
Mary Rudge
Alameda Island Poets multicultural programs have included panels on translation of poetry from different
languages and events featuring the poets who have been named Poet Laureate by a city, county, district, as well as the California
State Poet Laureate, Al Young. Some poets who have been featured at Alameda Island Poets Events include::
Nina Serrano Nina Serrano is a San Francisco Bay Area writer, storyteller, and independent media
producer. Her poems and translations are widely anthologized. Her most recent radio production is "ACCUMULATED SILENCE: The
Disappeared Women of Juarez" based on her translation of a poem by Adrian Arias (Peru) share
the gift of your family’s story in a new Immigration Stories workshop, an evening class at La Peņa Cultural Center in Berkeley
with Nina Serrano, learn to craft the story of your heritage and share it with the next generation.
Serrano, the former director of SF Poetry in the Schools and Senior Storytelling in the Schools programs
is an Alameda Island Poet, has served as a County Arts Commissioner and focuses on Arts in Education. email: ninaserrano@yahoo.com
Dolly C. W. Fong Dolly Ci Wai Fong was born and educated in Canton, Kwangtung Province, China, where
she became a school teacher and principal before coming to Alameda. She has personalized the 6000-year-old Chinese art form
of brush painting and made it her own, showing poetry growing from visual images, an example for all interested in the inspiration
to be found in world cultures. She has taught Peralta College and Alameda Adult School classes, had numerous exhibits of her
art and poetry, served as chairman of the Social Service Human Relations Board in Alameda and is involved in many civic affairs.
She was inducted into the California Federation of Women's Clubs International Women's Hall of Fame, honoring women in culture,
art, community service, justice, youth and education.
Joel Fallon, First Poet Laureate of Benicia
Bio of Joel Fallon Joel Fallon, a native San Franciscan, living in Benicia. He spent most of his life
overseas, trained as both a Russian and Chinese linguist at the Army Language School and is a graduate of the University of
the Philippines. A retired Army officer, Joel has been writing poetry for about five years, has five published chap books
with the sixth to be published within a month. He has chaired the annual love poetry events in Benicia, hosts a monthly
poetry group in Benicia, coordinates poetry activity for the Benicia Historical Museum, organizes and hosts an annual Poets'
Picnic in the Park to celebrate national Poetry Month and reads at open mic's in San Francisco, Walnut Creek, Vallejo, Fairfield,
San Ramon, Pleasanton, Napa, Sonoma and Crockett. His poems have appeared in Sacred Grounds and Minotaur Press anthologies,
The Carquinez Poetry Review and Street Spirit Newspaper. email JOELFALLON@aol,com