Site Write
Poets Laureate

Fame In Alameda


Poetic Motion


Alameda POEM HOME project features cute little plexi-glass boxes painted like houses on portable poles to move from place to place with poems inside. Wherever they are, currently in Starbucks and the Alameda Art Association Gallery at South Shore, but soon to move to the Alameda Multicultural Community Center and Library, people raise the roof of the POEM HOME box, choose a poem. Poets send their poems to share with the community, Alameda has invited poets from all over the world to send poems (in English).
the address to email the poems is SiteWrite2011@yahoo.com
20 lines Max.
Put copyright by and your NAME at the end.
Any subject, any style.
Poems will be reproduced many times and the POEM HOME boxes will be kept supplied with poems to impact the community with poems from many countries to make Alameda known as a world poetry center, a silk road of poetry trade. People can choose a poem to take to their own home or share with a friend. Authors retain copyright

JANNIE DRESSER is launching "December Dalliance" -- a free online poem-a-day writing workshop -- with the first prompt to go out by midnight tonight to send off the year with a flurry of new poetry activity. You can join Jannie by using this class code: E3253Z3DZ8 and going to www.nicenet.org to sign up.
BAPC member JEANNE LUPTON, hosts 2nd & 4th Saturdays Poetry & Prose Reading Series, features with open mic, at FRANK BETTE CENTER FOR THE ARTS, 1601 Paru St., Alameda, CA.
Also, BAPC member CATHY DANA hosts a Storytelling Swap on 3rd Thursdays at FBCFTA.
Donations welcome. Get more info about these ongoing events and other programs/classes: http://www.frankbettecenter.org/sub-homepages/programs-homepage.html

On  Xmas eve, December 24, 2010, Nina Serrano interviewed Mary Rudge on KPFA radio, the broadcast is available at the following address:   www.kpfa .org 
Go to Archive and click on Cover to Cover for Dec 24 at 3pm. Interview lenght is 23 minutes....

1ST WED OF EACH MONTH READINGS (except December 2011)
Would you like to become a member?
for more information contact
*   *   *   *

Monthly Reading-- at Books Inc 1344 Park Street:    TBA


Alameda Sunshine
The Journal's story, March 25th, of our newly published book The Human Face of Love (Xlibris) of testimony from people who have, or who care about people with some form of brain chemistry imbalance, is greatly appreciated.
Events such as the reading from this book at the Frank Bette Center for the Arts could not succeed without media reports such as the Journal's. However, one correction; the story  mentioned tribute paid to Betty Romero (so well deserved), but said she was the "late" Betty Romero and Betty is still very much alive, recently out of the hospital and in a care center, therefore unable to come to the event. Her new address\ is  Betty Romero, 1436 Clay St, Hayward, Ca, 94541, tel # (510) 209-4781. People can visit, call or send cards. 
Many know Betty's well- publicized story since she gave up her fabulous job  at Candlestick Park, home of  the San Francisco Giants, (Betty was chosen the first Miss Candlestick Park) and her friendships with Joe Dimaggio, Lefty O'Doul, Willie Mays  and other famous sports figures and where the Beatles and other greats appeared, to work full-time for her son and others  who had various mental illnesses.
This book tells of attempts of Betty Romero, Eileen Malone and others  to find hope and care for their sons who had schizophrenia. People in the book are making a brave sharing, such as Shannon Regan, writing of her father, shot in the head in Iwo Jima, and how brain damage affected his life, family and community;  Elizabeth  Norris on effects of trauma on American civilians interred in a university in the Philippines in wartime.  AM Fonda also has a moving poem about his war experiences.  A variety of subjects are covered, Carrie Clinton wrote of a family member with old-age depression, Caroline Rudge wrote how depression at any age can affect, a poem of trauma.  And there is more.  
My poem is in the book too,  of my son's slow,  devastating dying of Huntington's, juxtaposed with Laura Bush's, (President's wife), telling that her wealthy Texas friends would help rebuild the destroyed Buddhas of  Bamiyan juxtaposed to a doctor's statement of lack of funds to seek cure for Huntington's.
Thank you, Journal for telling the public of this book and our stories. This can mean so much to the community because, as your story reports one in four families, statistics show, are touched by some form of mental illness, whether stress, mood disorder, emotional breakdown, or brain chemistry imbalance due to nutritional or other factors, leading to many physical conditions. All need information on the body/mind connection. and to know of resources, research, care-giving, and personal experiences. 
Mary Rudge

Scenes from the 14th, 16th Dancing Poetry Festivals 
Bookmark the Artist Embassy link below, include it in your "favorite" list; touch base from time to time.
Palace of Legion of Honor, SF, CA


For it is written, click on this picture!


Classical literature, myth and legend has gifted poets with the devotion of the Muses. Poetic creativity flows abundantly from their realms, and has been a source of inspiration to poets since 3000 B.C. The Muses continue to be ever present, their appeal guides the poet's pen. Poets have called upon the Muses for their eloquent memories and vast knowledge encompassing the Epical, Heroic, Sacred, Historical, Universal, Idyllic, Dramatic, and in matters of Humor and Love.
Poets have honored the Muses with artistry and praise. Poetry gives the Muses their reason for being! Poetry is their delight! Dedication of  Muses to All Poets remains Eternal. ( NaticaAEI)

The Muses:

Zeus – (father of the muses)
Mnemosyne –(mother of the muses)
Calliope –(epic and heroic poetry)
Polyhymnia –(sacred poetry)
Orpheus – V ( poet, musician, singer)
Urania –(universal poetry and astronomy)
Clio – (historical poetry)
Melpomene –(dramatic poetry and song)
Thalia – (humor and idyllic poetry)
Euterpe –(lyric poetry and music)
Erato –(love poetry)
Terpsichore –( poetry danced)


Dancing Poetry Festival Poster 2009

A distant thunder on the surface of the Sun
Unheard by ears, unseen by eyes


Echoes, reverberates
the beat of a gargantuan drum


A solar flare escapes
vortex swirls, gas jets roar


Ion streams penetrate into the Sun,
Magnetically attracted


Snaking inward,
Stoked by lightning


Bound for the solar core
Absorbed by an unbalanced equilibrium


Gravity voraciously devours
Radiating a brilliant corona


Until harmonic balance
Is once again restored


The Crossing

The snail at the edge of the road
inches forward, a trim gray finger
of a fellow in pinstripe suit.
He's burdened by his house
that has to follow
where he goes. Every inch,
he pulls together
all he is,
all he owns,
all he was given.

The road is wide
but he is called
by something
that knows him
on the other side.

Susan Anderson Coons

