Mood: party time!
Now Playing: Webster Street Jam
Topic: Jammin in the Street
Alameda Sunshine in the Air
So many healthy people at the fair
Belly dancers, entertainers, a few jolly clowns
Politician tables vote for this or that, smile frown
Social service booth, health care advocatesArts, crafts, good food, hardly any belly aches
Friends meet friends outdoors, couples out on dates
Kids and parents, grandmas, grandpas,
A few on roller skates
Kindred spirits passing by some basking in the sun
Wine and water, soda sales, relief for every one
Vibrant peaceful good times, even revelatorySome enjoy it thoroughly, others make up a story
Relaxing in the shade or rolling on baby strollers
Sitting on sidewalk smiling showing off the molars
That's what's happening, how things go
Alameda Webster Street Jam Sunshine fresh air smiling faces, Alameda, I'm a fan
© A.M. Fonda
Untitled …..
You wouldn't know
The cryings
On my lonely journeys
You wouldn't know
The horizonless infinities
But I, while
I was a slave of smiles with you
And the journeys ended shortly
You wouldn't see
Where I passed through.
Copyright by Nurpun Karacaylakfrom Turkey (been in USA 3 days)
On the reef with waves
The sun is shining on the sea
How can I say no.
copyright by Maria Mersai
Cut me with your beautiful tools
Put me back together
I am a broken heart
Any excuse for a check-up for me
When I melt in front of you
Are you laughing inside?
Am I cured yet?
You me
I am
Love the way you read my
Imaginary neurosis
I hope I am never
Cured of you
copyright by Kristina Hoerler
(Inspired by Rumi)
I was raw
I was told so let my ego ripen
Then I set to ripening myself
There upon
I was told to cook myself
Then I set to cooking myself
After that
I was told to burn myself
I tried it several times
But it didn't work
Because I had already been in ashes
copyright by Omer Karacaylak
Website for daughter who is a San Francisco muralist: